Gems Dance Comp October Blog
The Do’s & Don’ts of Social Media

The Do’s

  • Customize your pages, and change it up. Keep things fresh.
  • Separate your personal and business pages.
  • Post regularly.
  • Engage with others and encourage engagement from them.
  • Communicate in a professional but fun way.
  • Use video whenever possible (and reasonable).
  • Maintain a business identity across all networks.
  • Give credit where credit is due.
  • Know your audience.
  • Build a community.
  • Do giveaways and promos. 
  • Keep it visual.
  • Stay updated.
  • Use your platform to inspire educate and connect in a genuine way.

The Don’ts

  • Fall for trolls (or engage).
  • Use excessive amounts of hashtags.
  • Forget to do a spelling and grammar check.
  • Over promote.
  • Forget to use platform-tailored posting.
  • Post promos or sale materials on remembrance holidays.
  • Follow students on their personal profiles.
  • Drink and post.
  • Constantly post in all caps.
  • Share the same message repeatedly. 
  • Share sadness.
  • Believe everything you read.
  • Steal images or ideas from others without credit given.
  • Let your employees run free. 
  • Post too many links.
  • Not have rules for students/team members in regard to dance studio.


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