We know we already had the self care conversation, BUT SERIOUSLY IT’S IMPORTANT THIS YEAR.
You have all been dance studio super heroes and have continued to push your own limits to keep sharing what you love with your studio, your dancers, your dance family. I’ll repeat from the last blog without hesitation, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Go here again for the amazing self-care tips we previously shared: http://dve.023.mywebsitetransfer.com/stressed-exhausted-burned-out-defeated-unhappy-its-time-to-add-some-self-care-to-your-life/
Today, though we want to talk about the effective ways you can lighten your load. Simple items you can get assistance on, things you shouldn’t be controlling. As important as it is for you to have complete physical control over every aspect of your studio (don’t deny it, we do to) it’s time to delegate some tasks out to others. Those who WANT to help, those who can BENEFIT from helping, those who APPRECIATE the experience gained, and most importantly those who want to see your studio succeed. Lighten the mental load and delegate like a boss 🙂
- Handle the books (accounts)
- Assist with staff schedule in cases of replacements
- Ordering Dance wear (placing the order, tracking, filling, distribution)
- Writing a monthly newsletter, and sending to all studio families
- Birthdays (yard sign, card, small gift, shout-out, etc)
- Phone (with written script)
- Decorate the studio for holidays & special events
- Work the lobby and front desk
- Makes sure the cleaning is done by all staff
- Create monthly slideshow for lobby
- Monthly check-ins with students by phone
- Manage inventory
Now that you are sharing some duties and have created some extra time for yourself, I want to take about routines and share with you mine <3 My morning and nightly routine has become the calmest, most consistent parts of my days. Considering what days can look like lately, I believe everyone should be giving it a shot. These are to be things that don’t overstimulate and aren’t productive items. You are not using the time for your todo list, you are starting and stopping your day on calming positive notes. Your routines do not have to be an waking or sleeping event. There are also resources that talk about daily routines that can help you through. Rachel Hollis has ‘Five to Thrive’, Mel Robbins and her ‘5 Second Rule”, and “The Miracle Morning” from Hal Elrod which all can be easily placed into your life. If looking for more in-depth reading try ‘The Power of Habit’ and ‘Essentialism’. Remember, these routines and habits can be implemented to any parts of your life: personal, dance studio, competition teams, self care, etc.
As an example, here is my morning and nightly routines. Obviously, do whatever works for you and if you don’t know what works look some things up. There are an overwhelming amount of resources if you hit up Google.
4:30 Wake up and drink a large glass of water
4:45 Meditation (this one is new for me, and NOT easy yet)
5:00 Coffee and reading
5:45 Tech break: check email, fb, insta, and accounts
6:00 Workout
7:00 Get ready, breakfast (another glass of water)
7:30 Leave for office
8:00 Last large glass of water for the day
8:15 Plan for next day (bullet journal, planner, whatever you use)
8:30 Stop using tech for the night, none
9:00 Wash face, brush teeth, SKIN CARE ROUTINE
9:30 Lavender in the diffuser and a white noise machine running for sleep.
First, yes I wake ridiculously early but I am also in bed by 10 :).
Second, it’s always a work in progress which any part of life is. Take some time to see what does/doesn’t make you feel better. Share your experience with it, and all self-care you are doing. Your friends, family, staff, and even your older dance students. They probably haven’t had ANYONE in their life recommending self care to them, let alone giving them examples.
We are living in a time with many changes and pivots that life is challenging us at every turn. Find the balance. Keep your eye on the end goal. Remember, we are all going to get through this together.